Hi Folks
I've been on vacation this week and got several things accomplished. What to do with the last day? Miter pipes, work on windchests or make room for the additional components.

These are the offset Open Diapason and Violin Diapason pipes on on their sides as there is not enough ceiling height. I set in the pipes and wired them to the Opus-Two controls and programmed them in. It is amazing how simple the Opus-Two makes this.

Rack and toe boards that will be used for the Salicional(Austin), Gedeckt(Wicks) and Flute de Amour(Moller) and Vox Humana(Wicks). These toeboards are from the Gotttfried rebuilt Skinner. I hate to do it but I'm cutting the 5 rank windchest into one rank sections for ease of placement and putting direct electric valves in. This was the echo chest At least the Wicks ranks should work well.

This is my homemade miter box for cutting the 16' Gedeckt and 16' Pedal Lieblich Gedeckt miters to fit under the ceiling. It has slots for 22.5 and 30 degrees.

These are the Kilgen Concert and Hohl Flutes stacked up by the main blower. I'm told these are a delightful salmon color by Allan, Music Director at Sacred Heart and a newfound friend. They are very clean and sound nice

Here is the Crescendo and Swell pedals and Toe Pistons installed and programed into the control system.
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