Saturday, July 19, 2008

Steve's Pipe Organ Project

This is the display which shows many aspects that the system controls
This is the console with the pistons, couplers and the Opus-Two display installed

This is the chamber output cards. At the time of this photo only the primarys and pitman stop control is wired on the bottom two cards. The other cards are for the Kimball melodia and other ranks planned that need the windchests built yet.

This is the console inputs and and outputs for the combination action and the 3 Organcraft ranks integrated into the top of the console

Well, alot has happened since last post. I received and installed the pistons purchased from Arndt Organ Supply Company, another fine company with good people. I received the Opus-Two Instrument Control System from Essential Technology. A really nice system and super guy Dave Milton. I can't say enough about this system and the support I've received while installing. The Organcraft alone with only 3 ranks is so much more enhanced with the couplers. I purchased 4 more ranks to install, an 8' hohl flute, an 8' concert flute both Kilgen, a Moller 4' Flute d' Amore and an unknown 8' Chimney flute. So I have lots of work yet to do. Hope you enjoyed the picture update.

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