Sunday, August 17, 2008

Steve's Pipe Organ Project

Hi Folks,
I finished the mitering of the lowest three of the 16' Wicks Gedackt rank. I now need to start on the windchest for the upper section of the rank. The bottom 14 has an offset chest which I need to supply wind and a regulator for these renegade ranks. I call them renegades because they do not belong to either complete organ ( Organcraft and Kimball) They are ranks from several manufactures Wicks, Austin, Kilgen, Gottfried and I'm not where the Gemshorn was made. I guess you could call it the Heines 57. Check out the pictures. These are the pipes I purchased from you, Allan.

CCC# in place. Bob, if you view these I had already put on the Silicone II prior to our conversation on the Diyapason. For everyone else silicone sealant can be problematic with wood. It soaks into the wood and nothing will stick to it ie glue if it needs to be repaired. Leather strips with a wood batton is probably the best way.
This is a picture showing the external braces or sometimes called scabs in construction. There is also a slot routed in the edge of the meeting sides with a 1/4" strip of wood inserted into the slot.
You can see this in the previous picture. It is the white patch under the external braces. The white stuff is the silicone II sealer

Well, there you have it all 14 pipes in a row.

Here you can see where the DDD# and EEE go between the floor joist. I only wanted to miter what was absolutely necessary. I would rather shorten the stopper handle.

Till next time


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Steve's Pipe Organ Project

Well folks,
I finally used the miter box and mitered DD, CC# and CCC of the 16' Wicks Gedackt rank I purchased from Allan. I really didn't want to do this but space is getting scarce. I have the first sections glued but have to route the slot on the long section of the pipe glue and seal the seams. Check out the pictures

This should be at the end of the pictures but I couldn't get the pictures to re arrange. This shows the slots routed into the sides where 1/4" thick x 3/4 " wide flat hardwood pieces fit into to join the mitered sections together.

This is a picture of the CCC pipe in the miter box with the saw half through, reminds me of the magicians trick. However, the pipe came out in two pieces unlike the lovely assistant.

Just another view of the pipe in the box as is the picture below.

The inside of the miter box with the saw part way through.

This is the lower 14 pipes of the Wicks 16' Gedackt. The three on the left are the piped to be mitered.

These are the assembled short lengths DD, CCC and CC#

Till next time.